Superseeds #126: Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 5

Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 5 é o centésimo vigésimo sexto artigo da minha coluna na RPG.netSuperseeds. Neste, concluo a história dos Sete Descendentes.

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Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 5 is the hundred-twentieth-sixth installment of my column, Superseeds. In this one, I conclude the Seven Scions story.

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Superseeds #125: Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 4

Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 4 é o centésimo vigésimo quinto artigo da minha coluna na RPG.netSuperseeds. Neste, falo dos fluídicos e do Fluxo.

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Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 4 is the hundred-twentieth-fifth installment of my column, Superseeds. In this one, I talk about the fluidics and the Flux.

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Superseeds #124: Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 3

Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 3 é o centésimo vigésimo quarto artigo da minha coluna na RPG.netSuperseeds. Neste, apresento os cinco Herdeiros restantes e falou um pouco sobre a Cidadela e o Fractal.

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Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 3 is the hundred-twentieth-fourth installment of my column, Superseeds. In this one, I present the remaining five Scions and talk a bit about the Citadel and the Fractal.

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Superseeds #123: Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 2

Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 2 é o centésimo vigésimo terceiro artigo da minha coluna na RPG.netSuperseeds. Neste, apresento os Sete Herdeiros.

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Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 2 is the hundred-twentieth-third installment of my column, Superseeds. In this one, I present the Seven Scions.

And check out our Patreon!

Superseeds #122: Seven Scions of Sovereign, part 1

Seven Scions of Sovereign é o centésimo vigésimo segundo artigo da minha coluna na RPG.netSuperseeds. Neste, apresento uma ambientação baseada em uma série de fantasia.

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Seven Scions of Sovereign is the hundred-twentieth-second installment of my column, Superseeds. In this one, I present a setting based on a fantasy series.

And check out our Patreon!